Dear user/Developer: Who should use these updates? Crystal Reports for Visual Basic Which dlls are they? PDBJET.DLL 95744 10/29/93 12:17PM PDCTJET.DLL 68624 10/29/93 12:18PM PDIRJET.DLL 71696 10/29/93 12:19PM PDSODBC.DLL 68112 10/13/93 5:13PM What do they do? These dlls are used when inhaling and relating data in Crystal for VB and Crystal Reports Pro if upgraded from VB. These dlls interface with the Microsoft Access Engine. These updates will enhance your existing dlls by allowing you to: 1) Link on concatentated keys(i.e. composite indexes) 2) See *.MDX or *.NDX indexes (see page 140 or Professional Features Book Two for further info on INF files) 3) See memo fields in Crystal Reports for VB 4) Read secured databases in ACCESS. Please rename your existing PD*JET.DLLS that are in your Windows\System directory and then copy the new DLL's to your Windows\System directory. Also, be aware that these DLLs are only Access 1.1 compatible, if you replace Access 2.0 compatible DLLs with them, you will need to run CRWACC20.EXE to modify them and make them compatible. Get ACCESS20.ZIP to do this. Thank you for using Crystal Reports.